Tips On How To Get Your Child Ready For Their First Dental Visit

Dentist Blog

You should schedule your child's first dentist visit as soon as your child grows teeth or before they turn a year old. Children's dentistry is important to ensure your child's oral development is on the right track and to keep their smile healthy.  Unfortunately, the benefits of visiting a pediatric dentist don't make the first dental visit easier. Scheduling your child's first dental visit can come with nervousness and a lot of anxiety for your child.

3 December 2021

Can A Dental Implant Affect The Rest Of Your Teeth?

Dentist Blog

As your dentist has probably already mentioned, dental implants are your best option when a missing permanent tooth needs to be replaced. The implant (a titanium alloy rod) functions in the same way as a tooth's natural root, with the prosthetic dental crown attached to it then replacing the missing tooth. You might begin to wonder—will an artificial tooth root implanted into your jaw somehow affect the roots of the neighboring teeth?

26 October 2021

FAQs About Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Have you been researching dental implants because a few unanswered questions are holding you back? This guide will answer two frequently asked questions about dental implants that are common causes for concern so you can approach the procedure with confidence. 1. Am I Eligible for Dental Implants? A handful of factors can have an effect on the success of dental implants. There must be enough bone tissue beneath the missing tooth to support the implant screw.

13 September 2021

Why You Shouldn't Skip Your Professional Dental Cleaning Appointments

Dentist Blog

Brushing, flossing, and using antibacterial mouth rinses are an essential part of your daily oral hygiene routine, but they may not be sufficient to guarantee good oral health.  Besides what you do at home every day, you'll need to schedule professional dental cleanings. Getting your teeth cleaned professionally helps get rid of the plaque and tartar that cannot be removed even with the best at-home oral care products and practices. Not only does this keep your mouth clean and healthy, but it also results in a whiter, brighter smile.

2 August 2021

Keeping Your Teeth And Gums Healthy

Dentist Blog

Failing to care for your teeth can be a mistake that is capable of ruining your smile as well as leading to health problems and significant discomfort. Knowing the most effective steps for caring for your dental needs is important for keeping your teeth in good condition throughout your life. Invest In Effective Teeth Cleaning Equipment Investing in quality teeth cleaning equipment is essential for protecting your teeth. Many individuals assume that a toothbrush is the only type of equipment that they will need to keep their teeth and gums healthy.

24 June 2021

Correcting Several Common Cosmetic Dental Problems

Dentist Blog

Cosmetic dental work can be an option that may dramatically improve the quality of your smile and appearance. Patients that are not familiar with the numerous options for cosmetic dental procedures can find themselves at a disadvantage when they are attempting to decide on a treatment plan that will be able to meet their dental goals. Tooth Reconstructions Depending on the type of damage that your tooth has experienced, its physical shape may have changed or been compromised.

14 May 2021

3 Indicators That You Need Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Getting dental implants is the permanent alternative solution you can consider for removable dentures. These dental implants are medically fixed into your jawbones to serve as the roots of the missing teeth. They have titanium which helps them to fuse with your jawbone for a permanent fix. The dental implant procedure is also less cost-effective but might take a longer time to complete.  Not everyone knows what indicators should guide them into settling for dental implants.

1 April 2021